Michele Polese

Michele Polese is a Principal Research Scientist at Northeastern University, Boston, since March 2020. He received his Ph.D. at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova in 2020 under the supervision of with Michele Zorzi. He also was an adjunct professor and postdoctoral researcher in 2019/2020 at the University of Padova, and a part-time lecturer in Fall 2020 and 2021 at Northeastern University. During his Ph.D., he visited New York University (NYU), AT&T Labs in Bedminster, NJ, and Northeastern University. He collaborated with several academic and industrial research partners, including Intel, InterDigital, NYU, AT&T Labs, University of Aalborg, King’s College and NIST.
He was awarded with several best paper awards, and is serving as TPC co-chair for WNS3 2021-2022 and as an Associate Technical Editor for the IEEE Communications Magazine. His research interests are in the analysis and development of protocols and architectures for future generations of cellular networks (5G and beyond), in particular for millimeter-wave communication, and in the performance evaluation of complex networks.