Vijay K. Shah

Vijay is an Assistant Professor in the Cybersecurity Engineering (CYSE) Department at George Mason University (GMU), Virginia, USA. He holds Adjunct faculty position with the ECE department at Virginia Tech, and is a faculty member of Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI), a Virginia state-wide initiative to foster 5G wireless, autonomous systems, data and cybersecurity research. His research interests include 5G/Next-G wireless, Secure O-RAN architecture, AI/ML for communications, and wireless testbed development and prototyping. He has been PI/Co-PI on more than a dozen of federal, state and industry sponsored research projects, including, NSF, DoD, ARL, CCI and AT&T labs. He has served as a co-chair of the ACM workshop on AI, Blockchain for Smart Cities with 6G (6G-ABS) co-located with ACM MobiCom 2021 and TPC member of several ACM and IEEE conferences.
Short talk abstract. Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) based 5G and future 6G networks will incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into the deployment, operation, and maintenance of the network. AI is well suited for communications; it is useful for estimating near-optimal settings in situations that have a large search space (5G has an estimated 4500 tunable parameters), it can generalize a solution to respond to new situations, and it can interpolate when insufficient information is available. While AI has shown excellent promise, comprehensive testing of its performance is cumbersome and, in many cases, non-existent. This problem might be addressable today if we had explainable AI, but coming up with general approaches for explaining AI solutions has eluded researchers for decades. We therefore introduce the Open AI Cellular (OAIC) project that is designing, developing and prototyping the first fully open-source software architecture, library, and tools that encompass both the AI controllers (OAIC-C) as well as an AI testing framework (OAIC-T) for enabling 6G RAN research on software radio testbeds of different scales. In this short talk, we will cover the key ideas, roadmap, and how to get involved in the OAIC project.
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Thu, 11:30 | Open 5G Forum Short Talks Live |